Popular Services

Submit a request for any service not found above.

Temporary Parking Passes are available to visitors to use when there is no parking available in the Visitors Circle or they are on campus greater than two hours. One Day Passes are issued by the Welcome and Information Desk. Multiday passes are issued for Dominican students, faculty, staff, university partners or guests through Campus Safety at Dispatch, 1st Floor Parking Garage

Submit a request physical proximity access to be added to a Star Card.

Submit a request to Physical Plant for an uncategorized work order. Our service level agreement is to respond to your request within 48 business hours and close all requests within 5 business days - though we strive to close cases quicker than this timeline.

Submit a Custodial Services related request

Enter a Departmental Charge Back from Information Technology.

Only Dominican University staff or faculty may reserve vehicles. University vehicles are available for official Dominican University business including class outings, athletic team transportation and university-recognized organization outings

Submit a request to Physical Plant for fixing or resolving an issue with a service. Our service level agreement is to respond to your request within 48 business hours and close all requests within 5 business days - though we strive to close cases quicker than this timeline.

Our service level agreement is to respond to your request within 48 business hours. We will schedule an appointment for you with a project manager and designer, if needed, to initiate a project

Request Teams Calling Support or Service

Report an issue with using a desktop computer or laptop.

Submit a carpentry related request

It's Your Official Campus ID Card

Dominican University issues each student, employee and affiliated guest an identification card that includes their name and image, referred to as a Star Card. The Star Card serves an identification card; an electronic key card controlling access to residence halls and other buildings, the Library, facilities, and staff office buildings; and DU Dollars which can be used to purchase goods and services at select locations on campus.

Convenient: For dining and a growing list of other services on campus.
Fast: With exact change every time, the Star Card is even faster than cash or credit!
Safe: Was your Star Card lost or stolen? No problem! Use the website and notify us. Stop by the Support Center and we'll issue you a new card.

Request new equipment replacements or equipment replacements.

Dominican University provides equipment delivery services and equipment loan to support Events and Meetings. Equipment for an Event or Meeting can be provided by placing an Event/Meeting equipment request.

International access requests are for connecting to or using Dominican's services from out of the country. Examples of International access are needing to use VPN or make calls from a University Cell Phone outside of the U.S.

Separation requests for users that will no longer be employed by the University. The users Dominican network account will be deactivated, their Outlook email account will be removed and the online directory will be updated.

Submit a plumbing related request

Submit a request to add a user to a department or organization printing account

Request Office Furniture or report an issue with Office Furniture.

Report a printing or scanning related issue

Place a request to add access to a student worker account. Access examples: Request an email account, Jenzabar, printing or file/drive access.

Used to place a request for additional devices that are not your primary or any non-standard issue accessories/peripheral needs.

The parking ticket appeal form is used to notify Campus Safety of a disagreement with the issuance of a ticket.