Policies related to Information Technology. Ensure you are logged in to view all Policies.

Articles (5)

Acceptable Use Policy

A downloadable PDF copy of the Acceptable Use Policy is available for download in the files section of this page.

AP Reboot Schedule

An access point (AP) refers to a network device that bridges wired and wireless networks. We have several deployed across campus. Each AP undergoes a monthly reboot to apply updates and address any potential underlying issues. Below is the AP reboot schedule.

Policy for the Acquisition, Use, and Reimbursement of Cellular Devices

This policy establishes procedures for the procurement, use, and reimbursement as well as the occasional, incidental or emergency personal use of University mobile devices.  This policy also establishes procedures for reimbursement for business use of personal cell phones.  The University recognizes that certain job functions require that an employee be accessible when away from the office or during times outside scheduled working hours. For this reason, the University may provide mobile devices