Dominican Network Account FAQ

Is a university affiliate eligible for a Dominican Network Account?

A university affiliate can obtain a Dominican Network Account if they are sponsored by a current member of the community. The account will be a Sponsored Access Account and will have an expiration date no longer than one year.

Is my username the same as my Dominican Network ID?

A Dominican Network ID and username are one in the same. When accessing a computer on campus or any university applications that requires a login, the Dominican Network ID will be used as the username. NOTE: Your ID Number is not the same thing as your Network ID. Your Network ID/ username will consist of letters and possibly numbers, while your ID number is completely numbers. If you are having issues finding your ID number please click here. If you are having issues finding your Network ID, then look at your Dominican email address. Your Network ID is your Dominican email with out or Alternatively, you can come down to the Support Center with a valid photo ID and a Support Center Advisor can assist you.

What is a Dominican Network Account?

Your Dominican Network Account, also known as your Dominican Network ID, is your personal digital identification for accessing a number of on-line services at Dominican University. A valid and active account is required of everyone associated with the University who plans on using any of the IT systems and services.

What type of services can I access with my Dominican Network Account?

A Dominican Network Account will give you access to all public, meeting space and classroom computers on campus. As well as, access to any specialized university applications.

What happens with my Dominican Network Account after graduation?

For students that have graduated, account access will remain active for six months after your graduation date. After that time, account access will be deactivated, and your mailbox and file storage will be deleted.


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