Installing iOS Licensing Using JAMF


Installing Jamf software will allow you to gain access to DU's library of iOS apps by installing a set of certificates and a sefl-service app.

A companion video tutorial demonstrating this installation is avaiable here

1. To begin enrollment, open a web browser and navigate to:

2. At the login window, enter your Dominican username and password.

3. When prompted, select "Continue" to install the CA certificate. Then select "Install".

Press "Done" after profile is installed.

4. When prompted, press "Continue" to start installing the MDM profile. Then select "Install'.
5. To complete the MDM profile installation, press "Trust".
6. Finally, you will be prompted to begin installing the self-service app.

7. To download from iTunes, you will need to enter your Apple ID and password.



Article ID: 49701
Tue 3/6/18 5:10 PM
Fri 8/30/19 10:38 AM