If you have Internet access from off campus, it is possible to access a file that is in your DU network (N:) drive. Also, this works best when you download the files you need to your local computer and then upload them once changes are complete.
Windows 10
1. Open File Explorer from the task bar or press the Windows logo key + E or you can search for “This PC” in the task bar.

2. Make sure This PC from the left pane is selected. Then, on the Computer tab, select Map network drive.

3. Next for Drive you can select any letter available, then enter one of these paths depending on your status:
- for Students use https://fileservnew.dom.edu/students/yourusername
- for Faculty use https://fileservnew.dom.edu/faculty/yourusername
- for Staff use https://fileservnew.dom.edu/admin/yourusername
make sure both check boxes are checked and click finish

4. Finally enter your Dominican user name and password, wait for it to connect and your drive will appear in File Explorer.

Windows Vista, 7 and 8
- Click on the Start Button (or the “jewel”) in the lower left hand corner of the screen and click on Computer.
- Once Computer is open, look for the menu bar at the top of the screen. Click on the Map Network Drive button. It can look slightly different in different versions of Windows.
- You can change the drive letter if you wish, but it is not necessary. In the Folder box, type the following address:
- for Students use https://fileservnew.dom.edu/students/yourusername
- for Faculty use https://fileservnew.dom.edu/faculty/yourusername
- for Staff use https://fileservnew.dom.edu/admin/yourusername
Be sure to uncheck the Reconnect at logon box. If you do not, every time you start your computer you will be prompted for you Dominican login, even if you do not need your N drive. Click Finish and after a moment you will be prompted to login. Use your Dominican email address as the username and your email account password for the password. After entering your login information, click OK. Be patient! Depending on your Internet connection, you may have to wait a bit before your directory listing comes up. To get files from your network drive onto your home computer; single-click on the file that you wish to retrieve. Look for Edit in the menu bar at the top of the screen and choose Copy. Now, go to the location on your computer that you wish to save the file to (e.g. My Documents) and once again, look for Edit in the menu bar at the top of the screen and choose Paste. Your file will now be on your local computer ready to use. You can reverse this process in order to transfer files from your home machine to your network drive at Dominican.