Canvas Integrations of External Tools

The Canvas Learning Management System allows for the integration of other online learning platforms that comply with the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard. Canvas calls these integrated platforms external tools. This document details the process to request a new LTI integration and lists the external tools currently integrated with Canvas.


Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is an industry standard maintained by 1EdTech (formerly the IMS Global Consortium). LTI facilitates the creation of a trusted relationship between Canvas and an external tool, resulting in the tight integration of the third-party platform with Canvas. Information is shared between Canvas and the external tool so seamlessly that, in many cases, the student or faculty member is unaware they are using both platforms together within the course environment.

In the past, the university’s third-party integrations received a cursory review prior to deployment in Canvas. Faculty were given great freedom in their use of the Canvas platform, including the ability to install their own LTI integrations in their courses. Today, the ever-present risk of cybersecurity attacks, rising number of educational tools, and increasing user expectations for a seamless and secure learning environment call upon us to upgrade our scrutiny of external tools. Therefore, the following requirements are enforced for LTI integrations:

  • External tools must pass a vendor risk assessment prior to LTI integration with Canvas.
  • New LTI integrations must comply with the LTI version 1.3 standard. Integrations requiring unrestricted access tokens or using previous, deprecated versions of the LTI standard are not allowed.
  • Existing LTI integrations that use deprecated versions of the LTI standard may temporarily remain in use while IT works with the vendor to upgrade to LTI 1.3.
  • External tools must pass a platform accessibility audit prior to LTI integration with Canvas.
  • The ability of faculty to perform course-level LTI integrations on their own has been revoked. Course-level integrations can be performed by IT as long as all other requirements are met. (Please create a support case to request such an integration.)

Request a New Canvas Integration

Canvas Integration Request Form

Complete the Canvas integration request form to begin the approval process. Please do not sign any contracts or agreements with the vendor until the risk assessment and accessibility review have been completed.

Canvas Integration Workflow: Complete the Canvas integration request form, perform a vendor risk assessment, review the product for accessibility, and integrate the tool with Canvas. Integration will not take place if either the vendor risk assessment or the accessibility review is unsuccessful. a product Accessibility Review, and Integrate

Vendor Risk Assessment Process

To assess vendor risk, Information Technology will contact the vendor to obtain evidence of compliance with current information security standards. As a starting point, vendors typically provide either a completed Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit (HECVAT) or documentation of a System of Organization Controls Trust Services Criteria (SOC2) compliance audit.

The HECVAT is a questionnaire framework specifically designed for higher education to measure vendor risk. The questionnaire confirms that information, data, and cybersecurity policies are in place to protect our sensitive institutional information and constituents' personally identifiable information (PII).

A SOC 2 audit produces a report on the controls used by the vendor relating to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, or privacy. SOC 2 reports provide detailed information and assurance about the controls used when processing users’ data.

Depending on the information supplied by the vendor, Information Technology may approve the LTI integration, ask the vendor for clarification or additional information, or disapprove the LTI integration. If approved for integration, vendors will be scheduled for periodic risk reviews on an ongoing basis.

The speed with which vendors respond to information requests is the dominant factor in the time needed to approve an integration.

Accessibility Review Process

Information Technology will contact the vendor to obtain evidence of product accessibility. Vendors usually provide a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT®), which is a document that explains how products such as software, hardware, electronic content, and support documentation conform to the Revised 508 Standards for IT accessibility.

Depending on the information supplied by the vendor, Information Technology may approve the LTI integration, ask the vendor for clarification or additional information, ask the vendor to remediate accessibility problems, or disapprove the LTI integration. If approved for integration, vendors will be scheduled for periodic accessibility on an ongoing basis.

Approved Integrations

The following external tools are available within Canvas:

Name Type Status Faculty Support
Access Pearson LTI 1.3 Available. Placements: assignment selection, course navigation, editor button, link selection. Pearson Support
Admin Analytics LTI 1.3 Available to Canvas administrators only. Placement: account navigation. Dominican IT
Aktiv LTI 1.3 Available. Placement: link selection. Aktiv Support
ALEKS LTI 1.3 Available in MATH courses only. Placements: course assignments menu, course navigation, link selection. McGraw Hill Support
Alexander Street LTI 1.3 Available. Placements: assignment selection, editor button, link selection. Alexander Street Support
Badges LTI 1.1 Available upon request. Contact the IT Support Center to request installation in a course. Placements: account navigation, assignment and link selection, course navigation. Dominican IT
Canvas Commons LTI 1.1 Available. Placements: assignment menu, assignments index menu, assignments group menu, course home sub navigation, course settings sub navigation, discussion topic menu, discussions index menu, editor button, file menu, files index menu, global navigation, modules group menu, modules index menu (tray), module menu, quiz menu, quizzes index menu, page menu, pages index menu. Dominican IT
Canvas Data LTI 1.1 Available to Canvas administrators only. Placement: account navigation. Dominican IT
Cengage Learning MindLinks LTI 1.1 Available. Disabled in course navigation by default. Placements: assignment and link selection, course navigation. Cengage Support
Chat LTI 1.1 Available. Disabled in course navigation by default. Placements: assignment and link selection, course navigation. Dominican IT
Course Evaluations LTI 1.3 Available. Placement: course navigation. Dominican OIE
Edfinity LTI 1.3 Available upon request. Contact the IT Support Center to request installation in a course. Placements: assignment selection, course navigation. Edfinity Support
Enflux API + User Available to PAS courses only. Placements: none (Enflux website login required). Enflux Support
ExamSoft API Available to Borra College of Health Sciences only. Placements: none. ExamSoft Support
FeedbackFruits API + LTI 1.3 Available to pilot test only; contact the IT Support Center for information. Placements: assignment selection, course assignments menu, editor button, link selection, modules index menu (modal), module menu (modal). FeedbackFruits Support
FlatWorld LTI 1.3 Available. Placements: assignment selection, editor button, link selection. FlatWorld Support
GRL Content LTI 1.3 Available. Placements: assignment selection, course navigation, link selection. Great River Learning Support
Labster LTI 1.3 Available in BIOL, CHEM, NEUR, and PHYS courses only. Disabled in course navigation by default. Placements: assignment selection, course navigation, link selection. Labster Support
LinkedIn Learning LTI 1.3 Available. Placements: assignment selection, editor button, link selection. LinkedIn Learning Support
Lumen Waymaker LTI 1.3 Available. Requires a Canvas course export package from Lumen Learning. Placements: none. Lumen Learning Support
Macmillan Higher Education LTI 1.1 Available. Disabled in course navigation by default. Placements: assignment and link selection, course navigation, editor button. Macmillan Support
MATLAB Grader LTI 1.3 Available. Placement: assignment selection. MathWorks Support
McGraw Hill Connect API + LTI 1.3 Available. Disabled in course navigation by default. Placements: course navigation, module menu (modal). McGraw Hill Support
Microsoft Office 365 LTI 1.1 Available. Placements: assignment and link selection, collaboration, course navigation, editor button, homework submission. Dominican IT
myBusinessCourse LTI 1.3 Available. Placements: assignment selection, editor button. Cambridge Business Publishers Support
MyLab & Mastering LTI 1.1 Deprecated. Use Access Pearson instead. Will be disabled as soon as current courses have ended. Pearson Support
NameCoach LTI 1.3 Available. Placement: course navigation. Dominican IT
Nearpod LTI 1.1 Available. Placement: assignment and link selection. Nearpod Support
New Analytics LTI 1.1 Available. Placements: assignment and link selection, course navigation, student context card, tool configuration. Dominican IT
Panopto LTI 1.3 + User Available. Placements: assignment selection, course navigation, editor button, link selection. Dominican IT
Peerceptiv API + LTI 1.3 Available to pilot test only; contact the IT Support Center for information. Placements: none. Peerceptiv Support
Perusall API + LTI 1.3 Available. Disabled in course navigation by default. Placements: assignment selection, course navigation. Perusall Support
Public Collections LTI 1.1 Available. Placements: assignment and link selection, editor button.
Quizzes 2 LTI 1.1 Available. Placements: account navigation, assignment and link selection, course navigation. Dominican IT
Roll Call LTI 1.1 Available. Placements: account navigation, assignment and link selection, course navigation. Dominican IT
Rosalyn API + LTI 1.3 Available. Disabled in course navigation by default. Placement: course navigation. Dominican IT
SCORM LTI 1.1 Available to Canvas administrators only. Disabled in course navigation by default. Placement: course navigation. Dominican IT
Stukent LTI 1.3 Available to pilot test only; contact the IT Support Center for information. Placements: assignment selection, course navigation, link selection. Stukent Support
TestOut LTI 1.3 Available. Placement: module menu (modal). TestOut Support
Turnitin Plagiarism Framework Available in file upload and text entry assignments. Dominican IT
Vimeo LTI 1.1 Available. Placements: assignment and link selection, editor button. Dominican IT
W. W. Norton LTI 1.3 Available. Placement: assignment selection. W. W. Norton Support
WileyPLUS LTI 1.1 Available. Disabled in course navigation by default. Placements: assignment and link selection, course navigation, editor button. Wiley Support
XYZ Homework LTI 1.3 Available upon request. Contact the IT Support Center to request installation in a course. Placements: assignment selection. XYZ Homework Support
YouTube LTI 1.1 Available. Placements: assignment and link selection, editor button. Dominican IT
Zoom LTI 1.3 Available. Disabled in course navigation by default. Placements: account navigation, course navigation, link selection. Dominican IT

Integrations Under Review

Name Type Requested Status
Cengage LTI 1.3 2024-02-20 Investigating upgrade from LTI 1.1 to 1.3.

Disapproved Integrations

Name Type Disapproved Reason