Request a 3rd Party Email Services / Email Marketing Provider Exemption

In an effort to help reduce fraud, a new e-mail mark-up rule has been implemented. Like many organizations, Dominican has prepended a warning (see sample below) to e-mail messages that originate from outside our mail system in hopes that our recipients will better scrutinize content before responding or clicking links.

If you are using an external service to send DU-branded mass mailings, an exemption needs to be added.  Since the intention, in most cases, is for these messages to appear as coming from an address in our mail system, they should not be marked up with the warning.

In order to exempt such messages from the mark-up rule, we need to get some distinctly identifying information from a sample message.  A sample message will need to be forwarded as an attachment to in order to distinctly identify the message properties to exempt it. 

How to Forwarded an Email as an Attachment

  1. Select the sample message(s) to forward;
  2. On the main Outlook Ribbon, select More > Forward as attachment;

  1. Enter in the To… field
  2. Delete anything in the subject line, then copy and paste E-Mail Mark-Up Exemption in the subject;

  1. In the Body of the message, add the name of the 3rd party service. (Example: Constant Contact, Mailchimp, etc…) and any addresses associated to it. These would appear in the ‘From:’ field. (Example:

Forwarding the email as an attachment to will create a case in TeamDynamix. You will receive an email from TeamDynamix with a case number for you to refer to. If we have any questions or once the exemption is in place, we will contact you via that case. 



Article ID: 154694
Thu 3/30/23 11:32 AM
Tue 3/5/24 10:39 AM