New Employee IT Information

Dominican Network Account  

A Dominican Network Account is also known as your username or everything in your email before the @ symbol. More information on your Dominican Network Account can be found by clicking here.  

Single Sign-on 

Most applications at Dominican are set up to use single sign-on (SSO). More information on what is SSO can be found by clicking here.

Password Reset 

Information on resetting your password online can be found by clicking here.

Multifactor Authentication 

Multifactor Authentication (MFA) is a two-step verification of your online credentials. When you try to access your Dominican email from off campus, you will be prompted to approve the request on your cell phone. More information on MFA can be found by clicking here.

WIFI (DU Wireless) 

Dominican has a secured wireless network called “DU Wireless” that should be used when connecting any of your devices to our WIFI network. More information on the DU wireless network can be found by clicking here.


Micrsoft Outlook is the email application of Dominican University (DU). Outlook is preloaded on your university computer. Your DU email can also be accessed from off campus by using Outlook 365 or your cell phone's email application. Information on how to access your DU email from off campus can be found by clicking the links below.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) 

Dominican’s VPN client is called Global protect. VPN gives you the ability to access your office computer from off campus. Global Protect must be downloaded on the computer you are using in order to connect to an on-campus computer from off campus. More information on Global Protect and how to download it can be found by clicking here.


Dominican’s printing solution is called Papercut. If you print to a public printer, you will be prompted to login to the printer to retrieve your job. You will not have to login to your office printer when you print. More information on how to print can be found here.


Dominican’s video conferencing solution is Zoom. Zoom provides easy collaboration and participation control. More information on using Zoom at Dominican can be found by clicking here.

IT Webpage 

Information Technology (IT) has a dedicated webpage to support your IT needs. The IT website is the place to find popular tasks, solutions and resources tailored to the various needs of the university. The IT webpage can be found by entering into any web browser.  

IT Support (TeamDynamix) 

TeamDynamix is Information Technologies enterprise ticketing support solution. TeamDynamix is used by several departments at Dominican to receive, track and facilitate support tickets or cases as they are referred to in IT. TeamDynamix can be found by entering into any web browser. 


MyDU is an information application geared toward students and faculty, but staff members will find many areas helpful as well. MyDU can be found by entering into any web browser.  

Microsoft 365 

Dominican employees and students are eligible for up to five free downloads of Microsoft Office 365. More information on Microsoft downloading 365 can be found by clicking here.

A LinkedIn Learning Microsoft Office 365 training video can be accessed by clicking here and signing in with you Dominican username and password.

LinkedIn Learning 

LinkedIn Learning is an online repository of various technology tutorials. There are topics that range from how to utilize Canvas, Microsoft Outlook, Excel and many more. LinkedIn Learning is accessible by Dominican students, faculty and staff by using their Dominican account credentials at More information on LinkedIn Learning can be found by clicking here.

Office Phone 

Information on how to use your office phone can be found by clicking here.  

Classroom Training (Faculty) 

Dominican offers several variations of classrooms to fit a wide variety of needs. More information about classrooms, what equipment is available and more can be found by clicking here.


Dominican’s Learning Management System (LMS) is Canvas. CAnvas can be accessed by enter into any web browser. More information on Canvas can be found by clicking here

Support Center 

Information Technologies office is located in Lewis Hall, room 048 and is called the Support Center. The Support Center is open 7 days a week, during the hours below. The Support Center can be emailed at and a case will be created for you in TeamDynamix or called at 708.524.6888 

Monday – Thursday 7:45am – 7pm 
Friday 7:45am – 5pm 
Saturday 7:45am – 12pm 
Sunday 12pm - 5pm 

Star Card 

Dominican’s ID card is called the Star Card. On an employee’ s first day, they will visit the Support Center in Lewis Hall room 048 and have an ID photo taken. After your photo is taken, a Star Card will be printed. You will need a valid driver's license, state ID or Passport to have a Star Card issued to you. More information on the Star Card can be found by clicking here.

Parking Pass 

All vehicles parked on campus must display a Dominican parking permit. A parking permit can be purchased by clicking here.