How to report a phishing scam to Dominican University IT


  1. Create a new email message
  2. Address it to
  3. From your Inbox, select the phishing email that you received - you must select the email, not the content. You have several options for attaching the message
    • In the Inbox list, right-click on the message and choose CopyRight-click in the body of the new message and choose Paste. (Mac Outlook users -- CTRL+click and choose Forward as Attachment)
    • Make the new message window smaller. Make your Inbox window smaller. Drag the phishing message from the Inbox to the new message. 
    • Open the message to forward and click ... and choose Forward as Attachment (depending on your view, you may need to click More and Forward as Attachment)
  4. This will now show as an empty email with the phishing email as an attachment.
  5. Send the email to the address.