How to Submit a Service Request

1. Users can navigate to or access the shortcut for Support Center under Quick Links on the page.

2.  Once you have arrived at the Support Center page, you can sign in on the upper right hand side of the client portal.

3.  Upon sigin in, you will be able to begin the request process by selecting one of the department options under the Request Support section of the page.. 


4.  After selecting one of the available departments, you will be taken to the Service Catalog for that particular department. You can begin refining your request by selecting from the available categories.

If you are unsure of what category to choose, you can type keywords into the search box.

5. Below is an example of what you would select if you arrive at the "Report a Canvas Issue" page. Clicking on the top green bar will take you to the request form. This will look the same for all of the different categories. 

6.  When filling out a ticket make sure to include details on the issue and/or screenshots, in order to best assist you.


7. Once you have completed the request form and selected "Submit", you will see "Request Created Successfully". 

How to Submit a Service Request - VIDEO