How Do I Add Adobe Connect to My Canvas Course?


The Adobe Connect web conferencing tool is available upon request as an LTI for the Canvas learning management system. This tool must be installed into your Canvas course by the IT Department.

When should I place a request for Adobe Connect to be installed?

  • At least 2 weeks before the start of the semester, place a request with the Support Center -> Creative Media Lab. In your request, please indicate the full course number and term (e.g. CAS146.01 Spring 2016-2017). There are a limited number of licenses available, so we recommend that you place your request as soon as possible.

Can I place a request before my course is created in Canvas?

  • Because, installation of the Adobe Connect LTI will require an IT staff member to access your Canvas course, we ask that requests only be placed after the course has been created in Canvas. If the course is not yet created, it will not be possible to install the LTI. However, Adobe Connect CAN be installed in unpublished courses.

Do I need to grant an IT staff member access to my course in order to make the installation?

  • By placing a request to install Adobe Connect in your Canvas course, you are granting consent for IT to access your Canvas course. No additional steps are required on your part.

How long can I use Adobe Connect?

  • Dominican issues Adobe Connect licenses that run for one academic year, with all licenses reset at the conclusion of the Summer 2 semester.

Though you may have already had experience with Adobe Connect, we want to make sure you have support info, particularly support that can be reached “in-session” if needed.

  • Adobe phone support is available 24/7 at (800)422-3623 and should be your first call if experiencing probelms during a live session. 
  • Alternatively, you can open a support ticket with Adobe: 
  • For other questions, visit Adobe’s self-help page, which is available with prepared solutions to FAQ’s.  
  • Adobe provides an options to chat live with a representative or have someone phone you:
  • Search the Support Center knowledge-base with the term "Adobe Connect" for a full list of available documentation at DU.

Of course, IT is still available to answer any questions that you have, particularly in regards to the Canvas integration. Simply place a case with the Support Center  (directed to the Creative Media Lab) or dial 708-524-6888.



Article ID: 45946
Tue 1/9/18 10:24 AM
Mon 3/5/18 1:14 PM