AP Reboot Schedule


An access point (AP) refers to a network device that bridges wired and wireless networks. We have several deployed across campus. Each AP undergoes a monthly reboot to apply updates and address any potential underlying issues. Below is the AP reboot schedule.


An access point (AP) is a device on the network that allows your wireless client (phone, laptop, tablet, etc.,) to connect to the DU network.  We have several hundred APs strategically placed across campus.  Each AP undergoes a monthly reboot to apply updates and address any potential underlying issues. Below is the regular AP reboot schedule.  Please note that APs may also rebooted at other, non-scheduled times in order for DU IT to resolve emerging Wi-Fi problems.


Location Day of the Month
Coughlin Hall First Monday
Fine Arts Building First Wednesday
Lewis Memorial Hall First Friday
Murray Hall Second Monday
Parmer Hall Second Wednesday
Power Hall Second Friday
Rebecca Crown Library Third Monday
Magnus Art Center (MAC) Third Wednesday
Mazzuchelli Hall Third Friday 
Parking Garage Fourth Monday
Igini Sport Forum Fourth Wednesday
OMC Studio Fourth Friday




Article ID: 164415
Mon 10/14/24 6:28 PM
Mon 12/16/24 11:38 AM