TV Instructions
Step 1. Ensure that the mouse and keyboard are both powered on.
Step 2. The remote is needed to power on all of the monitors in the room. You will need to point the remote to the monitor and press the power button on the top of the remote.
Step 3. If no image shows after powering everything on, check to see if the computer is on and flashing with green light.
Step 4. Laptop connection is located in the nook closest to the front monitors, if you would like to use a personal device.
Zoom Instructions
Step 4. Launch the Zoom Application found on the Desktop screen. If not found on the screen simply search Zoom where is says "Type here to search".
Step 5. When prompted to sign in with SSO (if signed into Dominican account it will automatically sign you in)
Step 6. If you are prompted to enter a domain type "dom"
Step 7. Log in using Dominican Credentials. Once this is done you will now be logged into Zoom.
Zoom volume and video control Instructions
Step 8. The microphone can be muted and video can be stopped by using the speaker controls.
Volume Instructions
Step 9. Volume can be controlled on the speaker using the increase and decrease buttons.
Step 10. Make sure that the Echo Cancelling Speakerphone is shown as the speaker, once this is correct you can control the volume on the computer by sliding the bar.