Springer Suites Classroom Instructions


Springer Suites Classroom Instructions


Projector and Camera Controls

To power on the system please press anywhere on the screen

Turn on computer monitor and computer if already not on. 

NOTE: The computer is in the podium at the very bottom. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING ELSE INSIDE THE PODIUM.

Go to the Display Control Menu to display your desktop on to either of the displays in the room. To project on to the Projector select the On button under Projector. To project on to the television select the On button under Side Wall Display. Turn either off at anytime by using the Off buttons under perspective columns. To adjust the volume, drag the volume bar up or down. 

The computer should be mirroring already on the displays. If not, press the windows and P buttons on your keyboard simultaneously. 

Then, make sure you are on (Duplicate).

A camera for Zoom capabilities is located in the middle of the classroom.

To manage the camera settings please select the Camera Control Menu button. Six different tracking modes are available:

  • Home
    • Will focus in on presenter at the podium
  • Auto Framing
    • Will focus in and follow presenter around the room as they move
  • Room Front
    • Will show full projector screen and presenter at the podium
  • Left Whiteboard
    • Shows whiteboard closest to the door
  • Right Whiteboard
    • Shows whiteboard closest to the podium
  • Preset 4
    • Shows whiteboard closest to the door as well as door area

If you need to adjust the camera at anytime, then please utilize the manual camera controls on the left hand side of the screen. 

Three different microphone options are available. You can either use the lavalier microphone, one of the two handheld​​​​​​ microphones, or the lectern microphone on the desk. 

NOTE: Make sure the microphones you are NOT using are turned OFF and in designated charging station. The lectern microphone does not need to be charged, only turned off. 

  • Lavalier Microphone

  • Handheld Microphones

  • Lectern Microphone

Go to the Audio Control Menu to adjust the volume on any of the microphones. To adjust the volume, go to the perspective microphone column and drag the volume bar up or down. 

Zoom Instructions

SSO (Single Sign-On) will automatically sign you into the application.

  1. Start a “New Meeting”
  2. “Join” a pre-existing meeting
  3. Select the “Join” button under the Calendar if your meeting is available.

Once you are done using the room, please turn off the system and make sure to log out of the computer.



Article ID: 156984
Wed 7/12/23 4:48 PM
Tue 7/2/24 3:32 PM